To Use the Analytics Stats you have to first get the "service-account-credentials" JSON file and VIEW ID from Google Analytics Follow this step to get json and view id Click Here
Yo!Stream - Movie & Tv Shows Php Script is a fully accomplished & outstanding movies & tv shows streaming platform with TMDB data generate(title, images, description, actors, etc...) that's easy to use as well as it comes with a completely responsive design(desktop, tablet, mobile, etc..), it has statistic dashboard ready in it where you can track the website stats. It comes with an astonishing backend & 2 styles of frontend i.e. dark and light.
Extract the archive you have downloaded. Copy all files from yostream_script folder and upload to your server.
Note: Make sure .env and .htaccess extract properly. If you did't know where is env file then please check File Structure
The first thing you’ll need to do is to get some credentials to use Google API’s. I’m assuming that you’ve already created a Google account and are signed in. Head over to Google API’s site and click "Select a project" in the header.
Next up we must specify which API’s the project may consume. In the list of available API’s click "Google Analytics API". On the next screen click "Enable".
Now that you’ve created a project that has access to the Analytics API it’s time to download a file with these credentials. Click "Credentials" in the sidebar. You’ll want to create a "Service account key".
On the next screen you can give the service account a name. You can name it anything you’d like. In the service account id you’ll see an email address. We’ll use this email address later on in this guide. Select "JSON" as the key type and click "Create" to download the JSON file.
Save the json inside your Laravel project at the location specified in the (storage\app\analytics\service_account_credentials.json) key of the config file of this package. Because the json file contains potentially sensitive information I don't recommend committing it to your git repository.
Note: rename the json file if its isn't "service_account_credentials.json".
I'm assuming that you've already created a Analytics account on the Analytics site. Go to "User management" in the Admin-section of the property.
On this screen you can grant access to the email address found in the client_email key from the json file you download in the previous step. Read only access is enough.
The last thing you'll have to do is fill in the view_id in the config file. You can get the right value on the Analytics site. Go to "View setting" in the Admin-section of the property.
Run your site or sub domain
Click > Check Requirements
You should now see the minimum system requirements checklist - If there are any issues with the checklist, you will need to fix that before you can proceed to the next step.
File and folder permissions.
You should now see the file and folder permissions checklist - If there are any issues with the checklist, you will need to fix the permissions before you can proceed to the next step.
Editing the .env file in classic mode!
Click > Classic Text Editor!
We will need to setup our database, assuming you know how to create a database using phpmyadmin. After creating the database, we will add the database credentials in our application. This .env environment file which will have all the sensitive data like database credentials, mail driver credentials, etc because it’s not recommended to store such information directly inside the code (environment files are not limited to PHP. They are used in all other major frameworks). Values inside the .env files are loaded inside the files from the config directory.Let’s add the value for database and mails.
Once you had added the database and mail credentials. You have to get TMDB and Google Analytics Views ID.
In order to request an API token from TMDB:
Then Click Save Install. This may take time to migrate database, so please be patient.
If everything goes well, you should see this page.
Finish Installation
Congratulations! Yo!Stream is successfully installed.
Go to after successfully configuration
We created an admin account for you by default
Pass: password
To set the site name, description, logo, favicon etc. go to Admin > Settings > General.
General Settings Feilds
Site Name
Site Title
Site Description
Site Keywords
Copyright Text
Site Author
Site Email
Movies / Series / Items Per Page
Website Style - Light or Dark (Default Dark)
Comments Moderation(Check if you want every comment to moderate before showing to site)
Maintenance Mode(Check this if your site in maintenance!)
Othe Social Links - Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc..
Search Engines Settings Feilds
Google - site verification
Bing - site verification
Yandex - site verification
Google analytics - Important if you want to use Stats tab for Realtime stats, Pageviews etc..
To Add a Movie go to Admin > Movies > Add Movie
Then add TMDB ID for the Movie eg.
Enter ID 464052 in the feild and click generate button.
That will fetch the data from TMDB. You just have to enter player name, player embed url, download name, download link and quality.
That All. Click Publish.
To Add a Series go to Admin > Series > Add Series
Then add TMDB ID for the Series eg.
Enter ID 85271 in the feild and click generate button.
That will fetch the data from TMDB. You just have to enter quality.
That All. Click Publish.
To Add a Episodes for any series - Go to Admin > Episodes > Add Episodes
Then Select Series from the dropdown e.g American Gods [46639]
Click Generate Season button. That will show you another dropdown with season list.Select Season and Episode like that click genrated data for the episode!
That will fetch the data from TMDB. You just have to enter player name, player embeded link,download name, download link.
That All. Click Publish.
To Generate a sitemaps - Go to Admin > Sitemaps
Click Generate to generated the sitemaps for any of the follwing sitempas!
To View Realtime Stats - Go to Admin > Analytics Stats > Realtime
To View Pageviews Stats - Go to Admin > Analytics Stats > Pageviews
To View SEO Stats - Go to Admin > Analytics Stats > SEO Stats
If you have all requirements on your server then yes you can run!. Please check requirements Requirements tab
With purchase license you have one domain permission. You need to get another licenses for your another domians if you want to use on more than one domain.
This means you do not have PHP 7.3 or newer version. Script needs PHP 7.3 or newer version.
It could be anything. Its a server error. Could be missing files Or missing server configuration. It may be permission issue too. If so please try to set 777 permission for storage and bootstrap folder and all folders and files on it.
A 404 is an HTTP status code that means you're able to communicate with the server but the server can't find the specific page.
Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for.
To Use the Analytics Stats you have to first get the "service-account-credentials" JSON file and VIEW ID from Google Analytics Follow this step to get json and view id Click Here